January 29, 2021
Dear Nye County School District Parents and Legal Guardians:
The Nye County School District is currently undergoing a new math textbook adoption for use next school year. The Board of Trustees recognizes the rights of parents/legal guardians to influence the education of their children. Therefore, textbooks will be available for no less than one week in February for parents/legal guardians and students to review and make comments. Your reviews and comments will assist the math adoption committee consisting of representatives from each school and each grade level in the selection of textbooks.
The committee will make their final decision in March on which publisher is selected for our new math adoption and provide their recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval of the new textbooks for use district-wide.
For your convenience, if you live outside of the Pahrump attendance area you are encouraged to contact your student’s school in early February to arrange a review of the math textbooks and materials during school business hours.
In the Pahrump area, math textbooks and materials are available for review during the month of February at the Nye County School District Office at 484 S West Street during normal business hours 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Warren Shillingburg
Nye County School District
Click here for a PDF of this letter
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