Catching words makes reading fun! Kids who enjoy reading do more of it. Make reading fun for your young reader with a "fishing" game: Get some index cards. Write one vocabulary word on each, then attach a paper clip to each card. These are the fish. To make a rod, tie a magnet to one end of a piece of string, and tie the other end to a small stick. Now, let your child "fish" for words. Award one point for every word your child can read (or define, if your student is older).
about 1 month ago, Loretta Bivins
Deje en claro que faltar a la escuela no es una opción La asistencia es importante para el éxito escolar, y las ausencias afectan a todos los estudiantes. Participar en clase promueve el aprendizaje. Para mostrarle a su joven que la asistencia escolar es una prioridad: Espere que su estudiante asista a todas las clases, todos los días (excepto en caso de enfermedad o emergencia). Evite programar citas para su joven durante el horario escolar. Y si falta a clases sin permiso, responda con seriedad. Deje claro que su joven ha roto una regla importante tanto en la escuela como en casa.
about 1 month ago, Loretta Bivins
Be clear that missing school is not an option Attendance matters for school success, and absences affect all students. Participating in class promotes learning. To show your teen that school attendance is a priority: Expect your student to attend every class, every day (except in cases of illness or emergency). Avoid making appointments for your teen during school hours. And if your teen skips classes, take it seriously. Make it clear that your teen has broken an important rule at school and at home.
about 1 month ago, Loretta Bivins
Come meet our team at the University of Wyoming today until 7pm and tomorrow between 8am-4pm. Sylvia Jernigan is a 3rd grade teacher at JG Johnson ES and Braydon Preston is the K-5 PE Teacher at Hafen ES. Both are UW alumni!
about 1 month ago, Beth Campbell
Ready to meet students at PVHS today for the Gear Up College and Career Fair!
about 1 month ago, Beth Campbell
Mr. Schneider took students to UNLV to participate in the annual model bridge-building competition. Congratulations to the first-place winning team of Jakob Walters, Mason Lermond, Isys Cruz-Santos. They had the highest score out of all of the student teams from JG Johnson Elementary. See a video from the competition here.
about 1 month ago, J.G. Johnson
Bridge Building
En las comidas familiares, sirva una buena conversación Puede que no sea nada fácil reunir a toda su familia para comer juntos, pero los estudios revelan que vale la pena el esfuerzo. Las conversaciones que se dan durante las comidas pueden enriquecer el vocabulario y el rendimiento académico de su hijo, y además estrechar el vínculo entre ustedes. Traten de comer en familia por lo menos una comida al día. Apaguen los dispositivos que son fuente de distracción, y hablen del día de cada uno. Háblele directamente a su hijo y fomente su participación en la conversación.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Serve up conversation at family meals It may not be easy to get your family together for a meal, but research shows it's worth the effort. Mealtime conversation can improve your child's vocabulary and academic performance, and strengthen bonds with you. Strive to eat at least one meal as a family each day. Turn off distracting devices and talk about everyone's day. Address your child directly and encourage participation in the conversation.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
VEA has restored power at the district office in Pahrump. It will take between and 30-60 minutes to bring all systems back online for internet and phones.
about 2 months ago, Nye County School District
Power Outage Update
VEA is estimating another 90 minutes to repair the power at the district office, which has taken out phones and internet at the schools. They found the source of the outage and have a crew on the way. Classes are proceeding mostly normally. There is no change to school schedules.
about 2 months ago, Nye County School District
Parents and Guardians, If you would like alerts on your phone when we have a situation like today's Pahrump power outage, please download the NCSD app and turn on the notifications as pictures in the attached image. Links to the app are at the bottom of our webpage: You can specify which of our schools from which you want to receive alerts, and you can update those settings as your kids grow and change schools.
about 2 months ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
Don't Miss Updates
Alert: A power outage is affecting the district office in Pahrump. Because out this, no schools have internet, and most phone systems are affected. The schools have power, so instruction continues, and the school schedules are proceeding normally. Because of the AT&T outage, many of our employees cannot use Dojo to communicate to families, so please be patient.
about 2 months ago, Nye County School District
Alert: Internet & Phone Outages
Happy Employee Appreciation Day! We would like to thank each and every one of you for the hard work and dedication you bring to the Nye County School District! It takes a village and we are happy you are here to help students learn, grow, and succeed every day.
about 2 months ago, Beth Campbell
Lleve un registro para ver adónde se va su tiempo El tiempo es un recurso valioso. ¿Está su familia aprovechándolo al máximo? Para averiguarlo, dígales a los miembros familiares que lleven un registro del tiempo durante una semana. Cada media hora, todos deberían registran cómo pasaron su tiempo. Esto les dará una imagen clara de adónde se va el tiempo de cada uno. Cuando lo sepan, podrán tomar decisiones según lo que sea mejor para usted, su joven y su familia.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Use a log to see where all your time goes Time is a precious resource. Is your family making the most of it? To find out, set aside one week to have family members keep a time log. Every half hour, everyone should record how they spent their time. The time log will give you a clear picture of where each person's time is going. When you know that, you can make choices that are best for you, your teen and your family.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
#hiring rebels Come meet us at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas for the UNLV Career Fair
about 2 months ago, Beth Campbell
#hiringbobcats Come meet us at Montana State University in the Strand Union Building today from 10am until 4pm
about 2 months ago, Beth Campbell
Cinco cosas que los maestros quieren de las familias El trabajo en equipo entre el hogar y la escuela puede marcar una gran diferencia en el aprendizaje de su hijo. Aquí tiene cinco cosas que los maestros desean que hagan todas las familias: 1. Estimule la confianza de su hijo en sí mismo con elogios y amor. 2. Hable con su hijo del día escolar y de las cosas que está aprendiendo. 3. Apoye el esfuerzo que su hijo pone en el trabajo escolar. 4. Programe tiempo tranquilo para leer todas las noches. 5. Coopere con los maestros para apoyar el éxito escolar.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Five things teachers really want from families Teamwork between home and school can make a big difference to your child's learning. Here are five things teachers wish all families would do: 1. Build your child's confidence with praise and love. 2. Discuss the school day and the things your child is learning together. 3. Support your child's effort with schoolwork. 4. Schedule some relaxed reading time each evening. 5. Partner with the teachers to support school success.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Use expectativas para mostrarle el camino a su joven Establecer expectativas es como darle un mapa de ruta a su joven. Sin ellas, no hay garantía de que llegará al destino final. Sin ellas, no podrá encontrar su camino. Para asegurarse de que el mapa sea claro, ayude a su joven a trazarse metas educativas y determinar cómo alcanzarlas. Dígale a su joven que cree rutinas para el trabajo escolar, y haga hincapié en la relación entre el esfuerzo y los resultados. Hablar regularmente sobre la escuela también le muestra a su joven que usted espera que la tome con seriedad.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins